Saturday, April 05, 2014

Encaustic Wax is not Caustic...April #atozchallenge

I am fairly new to the arts -- I started painting about four years ago.  It was something I always wished I could do, and then one day I took a class and did it.

I fell in love with encaustic wax as a medium, and I am continually surprised at what you can do with it.

paint with it
draw with it
sculpt with it
collage with it
layer it
excise it
combine it with oil, ink, shellac, pigment, fabric, paper....

It is incredibly versatile.

Here are a few links to some of my favourite encaustic artists:

Robin Luciano Beaty

Alicia Tormey

Tony Scherman

And it is not caustic, as the name suggests.  The word "encaustic" means "to burn in" which applies to the process of using the wax.  Each layer of wax must be heated so that it will fuse to the layer below, and this can be done using a torch, but it can also be achieved with a heat gun or an iron.

I have a number of encaustic pieces on my Art page on this blog.  One of the best things about encaustic is that if you screw up, you can scrape it off and save the wax for something else!


  1. Lovely! Your pieces are gorgeous. I especially like "A Little Rain Must Fall." I've never worked with encaustic wax but I love media that you can combine and layer in collage.

  2. Thank you, Kristen :). I havent done much collaging with encaustic yet, but I tend to do a lot of collecting for when I will lol
